October 9, 2024

Case Study: Department for Work and Pensions Leverages In-Game Audio Ads

DWP boosts trust & engagement with Universal Credit claimants using in-game audio ads, driving a 15% rise in website intent and 8% increase in service awareness.

By tapping into the immersive world of mobile gaming, UK’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) utilized in-game audio ads through DAX Mobile Gaming and Odeeo to successfully reach Universal Credit claimants and unemployed individuals aged 50+, achieving significant boosts in trust and intent.

The Goal

Facing the challenge of connecting with individuals who were either on Universal Credit or aged 50+ and unemployed, the DWP sought a modern solution to raise awareness of its services and increase website traffic. Their goal was to foster trust and inspire these groups to actively engage with government resources that could help them find work.

The Solution

Recognizing the widespread popularity of mobile gaming, the DWP turned to in-game audio ads as a non-intrusive and effective way to reach their audience. With Odeeo and DAX Mobile Gaming, they delivered carefully crafted audio messages in environments where players felt relaxed and open to receiving new information. This approach allowed the DWP to cut through the noise of traditional advertising channels, engaging potential users in a more personal and enjoyable context.

The Results

The campaign delivered impressive results, showing the strength of this innovative approach:

  • Trust: +6 percentage points.
  • Intent to Use Website: +15 percentage points.
  • Awareness of Services: +8 percentage points.

Through this campaign, the DWP demonstrated that engaging users during moments of leisure, like gaming, can create positive and lasting impressions. This case highlights one more time the effectiveness of in-game audio ads in reaching diverse audiences and driving meaningful action.

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